Home Lifestyle and Culinary Tips Gluten-Free Miso Paste Brands

Gluten-Free Miso Paste Brands

by Emily
Gluten Free Miso Brands

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Published 06/17/2021 Updated 09/16/2022

While I mostly cook and write about Korean and southern recipes on Carving A Journey, I am a huge fan of Japanese cooking. After all, my grandmother was partially raised in Japan as a child! 

As such, I am constantly adapting Japanese food to fit my gluten-free diet. Thankfully, a popular Japanese product, miso, is often gluten-free! Below, I listed some of my favorite gluten-free miso paste brands available on the market! But first, let’s learn a bit about Japanese miso.

What Is Miso Paste?

Miso paste is a traditional Japanese condiment made from fermented soybeans and koji. In Japan, miso paste is used in sauces and spreads. Also, it is used when pickling vegetables, braising fish and meat, and making soups and stews. 

How to Make Miso (Miso Production Process):

Miso is made through a two-step fermentation process. First, you start by making koji. Koji is a type of fermentation starter culture made using mold and grain such as rice, barley, and/or rye. To make koji, you introduce the mold Aspergillus oryzae onto the grain. Then, the mold and grain ferments. This makes the starter for the miso. Then, you add the koji starter to the soybeans. Once the soybeans and any further added ingredients ferment, they age into miso! 

In Japan, there are many different types of miso. The type of miso (such as white or red miso) depends on the koji starter, treatment of soybeans, and other added ingredients. 

Photo Credit: ally j
A Bowl of Soybeans!

Types of Miso Ingredients: 

Miso can contain a large variety of different ingredients. These ingredients help to create certain types of miso. While some of these ingredients do not contain gluten, others would not be safe for those on a gluten-free diet. The production of miso can include: 

  • Barley
  • Whole Wheat
  • Brown Rice
  • Chili Peppers
  • Hemp Seed
  • Buckwheat
  • Highland Barley
  • Millet
  • Soybeans; And So On… 

Each of these ingredients can affect the flavor of the miso. To learn all about the different types of miso, I recommend checking Nami’s post on the subject on her blog Just One Cookbook

 Miso Flavor (What Does Miso Taste Like?):

Miso has a large range of flavors. You can get miso that tastes sweet, fruity, earthly, savory, and so on… The flavor of miso develops from the koji starter, treatment of the soybeans, and other added ingredients. 

While the flavor profile of miso changes based on production, all miso is salty. The saltiness comes from the aging, fermenting, and preserving process. It is perfectly natural!  

Now that we know about miso, let’s learn about gluten-free brands! 

Gluten-Free Miso Paste Brands:

As I stated above, the fermentation process and ingredients strongly affect whether or not a miso paste brand is gluten-free. For example, if the company used barley or wheat as the koji starter base, it will obviously not be gluten-free. On the other hand, if the company uses rice, it is more likely to be gluten-free (though not always because of possible added ingredients). 

Remember, when buying any processed ingredient, check the label. I prefer buying miso that is labeled gluten-free either on the packaging or website. This way, I know it is safe. You can have miso pastes that have not gone through the labeling process. While they may be completely safe, it is impossible to know for certain, especially if it is imported. 

Below I listed some gluten-free miso brands that I buy and use at home! I also have chosen to only list miso paste brands that are a product of Japan or the United States.

Gluten-Free Labeling:

Note: There is a difference between brands labeled gluten-free and brands that have gone through the ‘GFCO certification process.’ In the United States, if a product is labeled ‘gluten-free, free from gluten, no gluten-containing ingredients, etc,’ that means they are guaranteeing that they meet the FDA requirements. The FDA can test the products and heavily fine them if they are not in compliance.

GFCO is an even higher proof of the product being gluten-free. This independent global certification heavily tests products for quality and integrity before allowing the certification added to a product label. It means a product meets the strictest gluten-free standards.

Below, I will let you know which items are labeled ‘gluten-free’ and which are ‘certified gluten-free.’

1. Hikari Miso Paste

Hikari is probably the most famous gluten-free miso brand on the market. This gluten-free miso paste is a product of Japan so it is truly authentic. Usually, you can find this brand in most well stocked-grocery stores in the United States as well as most Asian markets. This gluten-free miso paste is a product of Japan making it truly authentic. Finally, this miso paste is certified in three categories: USDA organic, certified gluten-free, and non-GMO. 

Hikari produces different types of miso paste. You can easily find their white and red miso pastes in stores and online. They also have certified gluten-free dashi miso and saikyo sweet miso!

White Miso Paste Ingredients: Water, Organic Soybeans, Organic Rice, Salt, Yeast, Koji Culture. Allergen Information: Contains Soybeans. 

a container of organic gluten-free white miso paste.
On One Hand, White Miso Is Mild and Sweet.

Red Miso Paste Ingredients: Water, Organic Soybeans, Organic Rice, Salt, Yeast, Koji Culture. Allergen Information: Contains Soybeans.

A container of red miso
On the Other Hand, Red Miso Is Richer in Flavor.

2. Marukome Miso Paste

This Japanese white miso paste is naturally gluten-free as well as certified organic, vegan, kosher, and non-GMO. While this is a Japanese company, the gluten-free vegan version is made in the United States. This miso paste is mild and sweet. 

White Miso Paste Ingredients: Filtered Water, Rice Soybeans, Salt, Alcohol. Allergen Information: Contains Soybeans.  

A container of marukome gluten-free miso paste.

Do You Have A Favorite Gluten-Free Miso Paste Brand? 

Did we mention a brand you enjoy using? If so, let us know in the comment section below. Also, if you have other gluten-free miso paste brands you enjoy, let us know as well! 

If you would like to read more about cooking, you can find some recipes from our blog as well as gluten-free suggestions. Below, we listed some of our favorite Carving A Journey Korean and Japanese recipes! 

Our Gluten-Free Food Product Recommendations: 

Carving A Journey Recipes:

If you have any questions or comments, you can also email us at [email protected].

And, finally, we would love to hear from you through our social media as well! You can follow us at @carvingajourney on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest. Or, if you would like more articles like these, you can subscribe to our blog by joining our mailing list. We hope you enjoyed our list of gluten-free miso paste brands! Thank you so much for stopping by!

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Carving A Journey is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Although we may earn commissions for our endorsement, recommendation, testimonial, and/or link to any products or services from this website, these opinions are my own and I fully support these products. 

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Sara June 12, 2022 - 1:24 pm

I’m wondering where you saw those brands are certified gluten free? I went on all three of the actual brands’ websites and saw no mention of them being certified gf, neither in the description nor on the packaging. They say gf, but that’s not the same as being certified.

Emily September 16, 2022 - 2:21 pm

Hi Sara! Thank you for the comment! I have updated my post to clarify which ones are certified gluten-free based on labeling and which are labeled as ‘gluten free’ without the certification. Your comment made me realize I needed to clarify more specifically to make sure people know which ones are which. The Hikari miso is labeled with the certification while the Marukome is labeled gluten-free without the certification from the GFCO. Thank you once again for letting me know I need to be more specific!!


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